Foodborne diseases, causes, symptoms, types and methods of prevention

Foodborne illnesses sometimes called "food poisoning" can have symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Symptoms sometimes begin after eating contaminated food but sometimes they appear after a month or even after eating contaminated food.

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For some people, especially children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, foodborne illnesses can be dangerous. In most cases, foodborne diseases can be prevented by monitoring food safety.

Foodborne diseases
Foodborne diseases include a wide range of diseases and they are considered a public health problem that has become significantly increasing all over the world, and occurs as a result of eating food contaminated with chemicals or microorganisms.

Food contamination also occurs at any stage of the food production process up to the consumer (from the farm to the table) because it is caused by contamination of soil, water, air, or any other environmental pollution.

Causes of foodborne illness
It can contaminate many different food-borne microbes so there are many different types of food-borne infections, and the CDC estimates that 48 million people get sick every year due to a food-borne condition, and that 128,000 cases in hospitals die from them 3000 people.

Resurge Researchers have identified more than 250 foodborne diseases, most of which come from:

Infections caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Toxins and harmful chemicals can also contaminate food and cause foodborne illness.
The most common cause of these diseases is due to bacteria that causes stomach and intestinal infections.
The infection is also transmitted through food exposed to chemical substances when purchased, and bacteria reach it and contaminate it at any stage of its production (as in the stage of its growth, harvest, slaughter, treatment, storage, or even during its transportation) .
Some raw foods contain viruses and bacteria that often cause foodborne diseases such as: (eggs or fruits and vegetables, fish, seafood and shellfish, red meat and poultry, milk and derivatives).
When preparing food, you may develop bacterial contamination, whether in the kitchen or in the places where the food is prepared:
For example, if foods are kept in an inappropriate temperature, or if you do not wash your hands during preparation, or use contaminated preparation tools and do not clean them.

These diseases can also be transmitted from the infected person to the healthy person in any other way such as contact, sneezing and coughing, and the use of personal items or contaminated toilets.

Eat unwashed fruits and vegetables that have leftovers used to control insects.

What are the symptoms of foodborne diseases?
Common symptoms of foodborne illness are nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

However, symptoms may vary between different types of foodborne illness.
Sometimes the symptoms can be severe and some of these diseases may be fatal.
Neurological symptoms, gynecological or immunological diseases may also appear.
Cancer has caused the consumption of contaminated food, which causes many deaths.

Who are at risk of foodborne illness?
Although anyone can develop a foodborne illness, there are those who are more likely to get it and these groups include:

pregnant women.
Young children.

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People with weakened immune systems due to conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, organ transplantation and HIV (AIDS) or after receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
After eating contaminated food or drinks, it may take hours or days before symptoms appear.
If you have symptoms of food poisoning such as diarrhea or vomiting, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Most people with foodborne illness improve without medical treatment, but people with severe symptoms should see a doctor.

The most important foodborne diseases

There are more than one type of microbes and viruses that cause disease through consumption of contaminated food, and they are:

Norovirus is a group of viruses that cause gastritis and inflammation of the colon wall (gastroenteritis).

Neural viruses are sometimes called food poisoning because they are transmitted through foods that contain the virus, yet this virus is not always transmitted as a result of food contamination.

Norovirus is sometimes called infectious influenza even though it is not influenza viruses.

Causes of infection with Norovirus:

By eating food or water contaminated with the virus.
People also become infected by touching HIV-infected objects or surfaces and then touching their nose, mouth, or eyes.
Norovirus viruses spread quickly in public places (restaurants, public health centers, or other Resurge accommodations) because the virus is highly contagious.

The virus lives at high temperatures in water or on other surfaces.

If a person is infected with the virus, it can quickly spread the disease to other people by touching it or following a common diet.
It is also transmitted to those who have weakened immune systems who are at risk of contracting this virus.

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